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Manufacturing solutions to manage and improve you manufacturing process

Boost efficiency of production orders

- Create and manage production orders, and post consumption and output to the production orders

- Calculate net requirements based on production orders

- Improve supply planning with the choice between a manual supply planning tool and an automatic planning tool

The Order Plcnnin? window provides the visibility and tools you need
to manually plan for demand from sales lines and then to create different types of supply orders directly.

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Stay agile and respond quickly

- Run agile manufacturing, supply planning, and capacity planning system

- Version management can create and manage different versions of the manufacturing bill of materials and routings

- Manage capacity requirements planning more effectively

- Utilise the basic capacity planning function to set up multiple versions of routings and add the machine centres as capacities to the manufacturing process.


Streamline your
financial processes

Execute marketing
campaigns & manage
sales processes

Manage suppliers & vendors integrated with the general
ledger and inventory

Sales & Receivables
Through to warehouse

Basic & Agile
manufacturing including supply & capacity planning

Warehouse management
systems including data capture, bin set-up & pick ups/put aways

Project manager
resources capacity
management & jobs

Project manager
resources capacity
management & jobs

Manage your
company human
resource efficiently
and effectively |

Manage your
company;s human
resource efficiently and effectively

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Evo-Soft will help you maximise your profitabllity and
liquidity by making the most of your people

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Tum improved profitabiity into new opportunities with
financial management solution that helps drive